Membership has its benefits.
Pricing: $55 per year
Workshops and special events vary in price.
Benefits include:
Save $5 per LA chapter meeting, and discounts at other local NCGR chapters
Opportunities for networking with others interested in astrology
National conferences on astrology featuring speakers from around the world
Reciprocal membership agreements with astrology organizations worldwide, including the Astrological Association of Great Britain (AAGB), Astrological Lodge of London and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA)
Online general interest astrology discussion groupSubscriptions and discounts for high-quality astrological publications
NCGR Geocosmic Journal, 80 pages of cutting-edge articles published annually member letter, an intriguing mix of short articles and current events published six times annually
A weekly e-newsletter featuring news and a calendar of events
Special member rates on books, conference mp3s and back issues of journals
Access to our internationally acclaimed astrological education programs
Scholarships to NCGR conferences and workshopsSupport for astrological research and investigation
Assistance in designing research projects, performing statistical analyses, locating databases and referral to resources
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) focused on research in specific astrological topics, including declinations, fixed stars, asteroids and Uranian astrology